The TEQ partners have participated in the TEQ’s third and last Review Meeting on September 19, 2022 together with the PO and 3 assigned monitors. The meeting was held remotely. As a result, the Review Report came in and it makes us again very proud as the “project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period delivering exceptional results with significant immediate or potential impact.
“The research goals of the TEQ project are of fundamental interest to many fields of physics and significant for quantum technology. They tested the quantum superposition principle against modelsthat predict its violation through spontaneous wave function collapse. Many results have been achieved in all five objectives towards the project goals. On the experimental side, loading, trapping, cooling and testing nano objects to reach the desired parameter range with required noise figures, including electronics and detection toolbox.”
“In parallel, many project results have been published in high-quality journals such as Nature-family journals, Physical Review Letters etc., presented at workshops and conferences, and communicated in press articles, newsletters and project events.” says the document about the TEQ publications.
“The project dissemination is extensive and well-organized, with documented impact on the target audience”. Finally, the Commission states that “TEQ fullfills the promises to produce a substantial impact at both the scientific and societal levels. The construction of quantum-limited sensing devices achieves a considerable effect on quantum technologies.” We would like to thank the PO and monitors who have been very professional, involved and helpful throughout the whole life of TEQ.