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New projects rise from the successes of TEQ. Specifically, the experimental success with levitated magnets has recently brought partners to win a 1m€ QuantERA 2021 Grant.

The project, called LEMAQUME (LEvitated MAgnets for QUantum MEtrology) is led by Dr. Andrea Vinante (CNR / Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (IFN) – Trento, Italy) former TEQ member. The project will start in April 2022 and will last 36 months. It has 11 partners from Italy, France, Germany, UK, USA, Israel, and Latvia.

The QuantERA Call 2021, launched by 36 funding organisations from 27 countries, attracted 128 international research teams applying for over 132 M EUR. At the second stage of the Call, 91 full proposals were proceeded and reviewed, of which 39 proposals have been recommended for funding by the Call Steering Committee.

As a result of the Call Quantum Technologies research has a greater chance to be a large-scale transnational undertaking. The grantees will conduct projects focused on:
– Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR), where the goal is to lay the foundations for the QT of the future;
– Applied Quantum Science (AQS), aimed at taking known quantum effects and established concepts from quantum science, translating them into technological applications and developing new products.
While providing strong support to basic science, the QuantERA Co-funded Call 2021 aims also to give a boost to strategic applied research in quantum technologies.


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